Thursday, May 23, 2024

Harley quilt progress and plants

Another shirt is quilted!
Only three left to quilt.
As soon as I got home, I changed my clothes and headed back to the garage. I plugged in the batteries for my string trimmer and mower to get them fully charged, cleaned the string trimmer guard and put string in it, then gathered up three pots for the plants. It was hot and I was sweating like a lady of the evening is church! I got the three Lenten roses dug up, soaked in water, and they are now in the car ready to be delivered. These are probably 3 year old plants.
The Lenten rose I dug up will now give this fabulous cora bell more room. Wanda had sent me several plants two or three years ago. All of them are growing, but this is the biggest one. To the left is one of my cora bells that don't get that big with a Lenten rose behind it. To the right is a Lenten rose coming into it's second year and upper left is a purple cora bell that someone gave me that doesn't seem to get very big. I am trying to water them more so maybe that will help with the size.  The fencing is to keep the deer from eating the cora bells. 

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I'm glad to hear the plants have survived and are growing.