Monday, May 13, 2024

Plans. What plans?

When I got home I was greeted by a pile of sweet peat mulch - 4 yards.
After loading and spreading 10 wheelbarrows of sweet peat in two beds, I was close to calling it a night.
I decided to first spread and tamp in some marigold seeds on the far side of this bed. I had planted some here last year and they did really well.
Oh one more thing. Rain was forecasted so I need to cover the mulch before I called it a night. The tarp the mulch was on wasn't big enough, but I had another one so most of the pile got covered.
Here is the mom and fawn. The fawn was born Wednesday or Thrusday.
Saturday I had to take the car in for some scheduled maintenance. While I waited I walked over the the grocery store and the to a home improvement store. I got in a bit more than a mile by the time I got back to the car shop. I ran to a different home improvement store and bought a landscapers rake and a yard cart. My wheelbarrow is hard to handle anymore and I have to constantly fight with it to keep a braket at the front wheel from rubbing on the wheel.
I sat and rested for a few hours before I had to head out to go to a musical that some family members were in. I had totally forgotten about this so I am glad someone called to remind me! It was Sponge Bob the Musical and it was pretty strange. The kids did a good job and I could tell they were having fun pretending to be cartoon charaters.
The cool thing they did at the end of the show was to shoot bubbles out of the ceiling.
I got home late and I was beat. Sunday I decided to put together the landscapers rake and the yard cart. I hate assembling stuff! I figured out the rake after a bit of trial and error. This rake is wide and will help me level out all the bumps I have from the skid steer running thru the yard. The yard cart came with good picture directions and after an hour and a half I had one wheel left to attach and the handle. I could not get that last wheel on because of the way a bracket was not flat against the axle. I was trying to bend it with a hammer when my neightbor came over to get his mail. He helped bend the bracket and we finally got the last wheel on. That was exhausing! The bed of the cart can dump, but I haven't figured out how that works yet.
The rake - yes there were just two fasteners, but they proved a challenge to get in and tighten up.  
I needed to do dishes, cook food and do laundry which took up a good part of Sunday afternoon. When I did sit down I got started on a little cross stitch for a birthday card. The person's birthday is in a couple weeks so I needed to get this going.
I got a second wind, so about 6:00 p.m. I trimmed and mowed the front and one side yard. So, no work on the baby quilt or Harley quilt happened. The woman that runs the poker run which the Harley quilt is for might be coming to my nephew's show on the 30th for Ohio Bike Week. That will be my next effort to try and have the quilt done so I can hand it over to her.


Ann said...

Sponge Bob looks cute and I'm sure your family appreciated your attendance. I buy mulch in bags but should consider buying by the yard.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I was thinking that yard cart sounds like a good alternative to a wheelbarrow until I heard you have to assemble it. I'm so tired of putting things together.

Vicki W said...

What an exhausting weekend! I love the new cart.