Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Better than nothing

I was only able to get in about 20 minutes of quilting on the Harley quilt last evening. It took quite a while to get everything watered. It has been in the mid-80's and all my posies were thirsty! I didn't get to watering the Shasta daisies, but they look like they are getting ready to bloom in the next couple of weeks.
As I watered, I figured out the three Lenten Roses I will dig up tonight to give to someone. They have a space on the north side of their home and nothing grows. I told him "Lenten roses and cora bells would love it there. I will bring you some Lenten roses." I need to run an errand after work tomorrow so where I need to drop off the plants is on my way. I have been stitching more of the smalls Carpe Acus. They don't take very long to stitch and it is kind of fun pairing up different colors of floss.  You can't really tell, but I have made a mistake in every one of them!  LOL!!
I need to get some tote bags made for the merch booth. There is not more than a dozen left from last year and since we will be selling albums, it only makes sense to have a bag they will fit in to make it easier to carry them around. When my friend was over earlier this year, she helped me cut out bags from the fabric that had been given to me for bags. We cut 47 bags that the albums will fit in and 10 for the autographed drum heads we sell. Michael is hoping to sell a lot of albums along with lots of t-shirts so 47 bags is not going to be enough for the season. I will have to hit this hard over the upcoming three day weekend.

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

The bags won't take as long since they are already cut but that is still a lot of sewing