Thursday, March 23, 2023

Progress on the pants, adding to the jacket, and daffodils

I pressed the seams flat, lined up both halves, marked, then cut down the back of the pants. Some of this is just a big, fat guess.
I trimmed off a bit of the sides on the front pieces. I needed to reduce the waist by 3 - 3 1/2 inches so I needed to reduce the pants thru the hips and legs too. I got the pants sewn back together and tonight when Michael comes over to try on the pants we will see how good of a guess I made.
Something just wasn't looking right with the jacket. I took a cue from the jacket Harry Shum Jr. wore at the Oscars
and I added some trim at the collar. It helps to balance the heaviness of the cuffs and I think it looks so much better. I will be adding some rhinestones too. I brought my sewing machine to work to sew on the trim this morning. I had forgotten my magnifier glasses so I was bending down to get my nose 8" away from the needle so I could sew it on! I wouldn't want to have to sew like that all day long! The color of this suit sure looks different depending on how the light hits it. It will be interesting to see it when he performs.
The daffodils next to the house are doing good in handling the crazy temperature swings. The ones in the yard haven't bloomed yet.


Vicki W said...

That trim makes a big difference!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Adding the trim really was a good idea.
I hope the pants fit well tonight. Maybe if he has an old pair that he doesn't wear anymore that fit well, you could use them for a pattern guide.