Tuesday, January 10, 2023

What can I say ...

Last evening after work I was busy and had a list to attack. I only had time for stitching the binding for a few minutes. Not much done, but more than nothing! LOL!
My list
Here are the pictures on the UFO/to do door for 2023
What wasn't on the list was making a pot of white chili. I got to use my new cast iron pot for the first time. I had never made white chili before. I already had a cooked chicken from Sunday so I just had to put everything together.  It tasted pretty good for lunch today. I have enough for meals for the rest of the week.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

It just doesn't seem like it would be chili when it is white. My grandson makes it too and it is a big hit with his friends and family. I'm sure it is good, just seems like the wrong name for it.

swooze said...

Chili looks yummy! What recipe do you use?

Kaja said...

I'd never even heard of white chili (you really do learn something new every day). Tiny progress is still progress, right?