Saturday, June 13, 2020

All sewn

Thrusday night I fought thru being tired and got the recycle shirt top all sewn together. I still need to square it up. It will be approximately 40" x 52". I am behind in posting this because the internet has been totally uncooperative! It is now 6:30 a.m. on Saturday and it is working good for me.

I worked outside for 2 1/2 hours Thursday evening transplanting some of my Lenten Roses to the new garden bed and the cora bell bed. I am hoping they will deter the deer in both beds.

I put arrows to the three additional little Lenten rose plants that I planted around the purple cora bells that the deer ate most of the leaves off of about two weeks ago. You can see that some of the leaves have grown back. Hopefully planting this many Lenten roses so close to the purple cora bells will discourage the deer from touching those plants again. Lenten roses are poisonous to deer.

As you can see even though I dug up 5 plants so far, this bed is still quite full of plants. I still need to put two more in the new garden bed.

Saw a rainbow this morning.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I haven't done any digging yet this year except for planting my tomato plants. You have me wanting to dig and transplant!!

barbara woods said...

love your fence

Vicki W said...

That quilt is going to be a really special piece! Good luck with your first day back at work!