Monday, April 15, 2019

Lots done

I started out the weekend washing and ironing fabric. The Kona cottons I ordered arrived. The only issue I had was that each yard was wrapped separately in a plastic bag and taped shut. It took a long time to unpackage them and what a pile of plastic bags I had! I thought I took a photo of the fabric in the plastic bags, but I must have done something wrong because I can't find it. Here is what I bought - all 24 yards.

The fabric is all washed, pressed, and ready to use.

I wanted to see how that thread from Vicki was going to look on the 16 patch quilt, so I spent most of Sunday machine quilting. I needed the safety pins for the Harley quilt anyway. I had a hard time stopping quilting. The thread looks so good! I got 28% of the quilt quilted.

I pressed and pieced the backing for the Harley quilt and then I started pin basting it. I used up all the safety pins in my Halloween bucket so as I removed the pins from the 16 patch quilt, I would put them in the Harley quilt. I am about 85% done pin basting the Harley quilt.

The design wall looks so empty. I was looking for something else and decided to put the flannel four patch blocks that I had made a while back up on the wall. I only had a little bit of the white background baseball fabric; I am trying to use up what I have.

I have some scraps of the medium blue hockey fabric and the cream so I will have to make a few more of those to fill in the blanks.

I did spend some time cleaning the leaves out the flower bed, trimming the lavender plants, and digging up the tiny thistle weeds coming up. The daffodils in the big center bed bloomed faster than I thought they would. They look so pretty. I especially like the ones that are very pale yellow. I have one hyacinth that I am surprised has survived the deer. They did chomp on the leaves, but have left the flower for now.

Throw in doing laundry, dishes, making pizza from scratch, and a trip to my brother's house, and it was a busy weekend.


Vicki W said...

You had a great weekend! The thread looks great. I'm so glad it's finally getting used. I hate having useful things around that I won't use.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I would say you had a spectacular weekend, getting lots done.

Anonymous said...

You are right! The thread DOES look good. The quilting on your 16 patch is wonderful!