Thursday, August 30, 2018

Flannel and rocks

I have my go to project ready for when I am exhausted from the brutal heat all day at work. I laid out all of the flannel I have except for the pink and lavender flannel. Those will be for another time. So here are the nine patch block pieces I have ready to sew together and the 17 blocks already sewn together.
Here is my pile of flannel yardage and the light gray flannel for backing I bought this summer at a great price

and then the always present pile of scraps/odds and ends! LOL!!

My plan is to make one more flannel quilt like this one.

This quilt takes 120 blocks. I made 12 blocks last evening from the pile circled in this picture

Usually I am very bad about keeping track of the number of blocks I make or need; usually I just make a bunch. I want to keep track because I want to change the design for the next quilt so I don't want a bunch of leftover blocks. Here is how many I have made right now.

One thing I do when I sew flannel is nip off a bit after I sew the seams to reduce bulk.

Last night I brought home two more rocks. There are only a few more on site to drag home.

We are getting ready to turn over part of the space to the hospital in the next month so finish work is going gangbusters downstairs. I have to make a list for each room of what is still missing. The flooring is going down in the corridors as well as many of the rooms

The accent wall on the right was painted yesterday. This is the office area for the x-ray rooms
Here is a new x-ray room

Here is the waiting room for radiology. Needs a bit or work! LOL!!

I am feeling better today. Tuesday and Wednesday I was not feeling good because of the heat. I had to leave a meeting and find a cooler place to sit because I was feeling so bad. Today's high is suppose to be 77 degrees so we get a break. Next week we are forecasted to be 89 every day. Thank goodness it will be a four day workweek.

The hospital put in a water and ice machine in the main lobby. I now don't have to haul filtered water from home and I can have ice in my water all day! I have an insulated tumbler, but by noon the ice is usually melted. I will be visiting that machine often! You can also buy coffee for $2.00 a cup. I don't drink coffee. I will just need to find a hot water dispenser for my tea this winter. I may have to go visit the cafeteria for that.

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

The flannel quilt project is perfect relaxing sewing to mellow out with. I am enjoying the really cool weather this morning. I wish it was going to last instead of changing on Saturday.