Monday, August 27, 2018

6th, 7th, and 8th finishes for 2018

I was happy to get the remaining three baby quilts bound this weekend. Here are pictures of all seven.

It is nice to have a bit of a stash of baby quilts all ready to go. The second picture is all the ones I have which includes one that was done last year.

I was asked how I get the rocks out of my car so I took some pictures of the rock removal for the rocks I brought home Friday. I put another blanket over the back bumper, scoot or roll the rock toward the back, and put the wheelbarrow next to the bumper.

I then pin the rock to the bumper, hold the wheelbarrow tight to the bumper with my thighs as I slide it down the slope of the wheelbarrow.

Sometimes it just slides and other times it falls! LOL!! If the rock bounces and moves the wheelbarrow, I usually end up with bruises on my thighs which I have now and will not be showing you. LOL!!!

I wheel the rocks, one at a time, to the place that I think I will be using them and dump them.

Here is the back Lenten rose bed that I think I almost have enough rocks to edge this bed. I am waiting for cooler and less humid weather to happen before I tackle this bed.

I kept busy all weekend and never left the house - not even to check to see if I got any mail. Did dishes, laundry, cook a chicken in my new pot, and baked some cookies for the guys that have been loading rocks for me.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That is a nice pile of baby quilts! I am like you, I want a stack there to gift from instead of having to make a quilt in a hurry.

swooze said...

Got a lot accomplished! Everything’s looking great.