Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Goodie box

After work I had an appointment and errands to run, but when I got home there was a box of goodies at my door. Wanda has been reorganizing and found a few items she thought I could use.
There was a very large piece of wool batting which I will use to stuff cross stitch smalls.
Then she had bundled up two packages of fabric that I can use for making tote bags for the merch booth. I should be able to get 10 to 12 bags out of this fabric. It is all heavier non-quilting weight fabric. Thank you, Wanda!
I had thawed out some spinach, so I needed to get that cooked and made some creamed spinach for lunches to go with the chicken I cooked the other day. After doing that and washing dishes I didn't have time to work on the baby quilt.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I'm happy to see this box didn't take the detour to TX like the last one I sent.

Vicki W said...

What a fun gift!