Monday, August 5, 2024

A busy 5 days

Last Wednesday the band had a show in Cleveland. People were already claiming their spot at 3 p.m. and we didn't start until 6! We had a great crowd.
The merch booth was right next to the stage and we went thru the 15 bags I had made.
There was Zumba before the show and the Shaw H.S. band played at intermission. I got to bed a bit before midnight.
Friday when I was running errands I saw the blimp.
It was so hot running errands. I hit Hobby Lobby for red fabric to bind the t-shirt quilt. I found some picture frames that were marked down and will use those for framing counted cross stitch. I have foam core and cut that to fit the frames. Now I just need to find the straight pins I use for stretching the linen.
Friday the band had a show in Morgantown, WV. That is a 3 1/2 hour drive. I left my house at 10:15 Friday morning and got to bed at 3:20 a.m. Saturday. We got the merch booth set up, but about an hour before the show rain was coming.  We rearranged everything to get it under the tent and covered the t-shirt road case and one of the merch cases with the covers to keep them dry. The rain cleared up about 15 minutes after the show started.
More people kept showing up and the place was almost full by the time the kids were done playing. They got a standing O and then we got slammed at the merch booth.  We ran thru probably 40 bags! Michael got to play a solo at the end of one of the Prince tribute band's songs. The Prince band was good and they were really nice guys.
Saturday was rough and it was hard to get moving after being up so late. I did get started on pressing and stitching handles for more tote bags. We went thru so many in those two shows and we have two more shows this upcoming weekend. Between Saturday and Sunday I got 102 handles pressed and sewn.  Every evening after work I will be sewing together tote bags. I have my fingers crossed that some more fabric will be gifted. I have cut up everything that has been given to me except for that bolt of black and gold plaid fabric.
I did get the six placemats done. I am happy with the way they turned out.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That sounds like an exhausting 5 days. I'm glad Michael is being received so well and that the merch is selling.
What weight fabric are you using for the bags? I have some canvas weight that I know I'm unlikely to use.

Cherie Moore said...

Have you used the rather ugly black & rust big print fabric I gave you? I’ll have to check what else I might have lurking ;-)

Vicki W said...

Wow, that was a really busy 5 days! I'm glad his band is so popular! I can't believe that you've gone through ALL of the gifted fabric, there was so much!