Monday, August 19, 2024

Another show, top done, and baby quilt started

Friday evening Michael had a show. It was in town, so I went to the venue right after work. It was in the low 80's and so was the humidity. Unfortunately the sun was in my eyes until about 8 p.m. so I had to find shade behind the road cases and peer thru the spaces between them to see if there were any customers. We did sell a lot of merch and I am going to have to get some more bags made! LOL!! I did take a few pictures, but I was miserable and couldn't get myself to take a picture of our set up. Here are a few shots from the merch booth which was quite aways from the stage. Despite the threat of rain, we had a good crowd.  I took these pictures early so the crowd looks sparce.  These were the early arrivals about 6 p.m.
I dragged myself outside Saturday morning about 10 to mow the grass only because the next-door neighbor man was going to mow his. I have a lot more to mow but at least the grass that adjoins his yard and the front look decent. Then is rolled in so I couldn't mow anymore.
I got the t-shirt quilt top sewn together and trimmed!
I needed to get it off the design wall so I could work on the baby quilt. I printed the fabric for with the fellow's band logo.
I did get the blocks made for the top and here they are on the design wall.
I did make a stupid mistake. I forgot to make one of the stripes with the checkerboard fabric. Geeze! I figured out which row I am going to replace. I am going to have to take the blocks apart for the blue printed fabric since I only printed and had enough of that blue fabric for the one row. Changing one fabric affects the row above it and below it.
I will fix that tonight then I can start sewing the rows together. I have the strips already cut. I will just replace six of the blocks, so I only have to unsew the six blocks with the stamped fabric.
I received my order from Missouri Star Quilting on Sunday - Fed Ex. They had this Storybook by Kauffman on sale for fifty dollars for a 10 yard bolt. That is a very good deal! I bought Pool and Flamingo. I don't have a particular project in mind for this right now, but they will be nice to have in my stash.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That's great that you got the T-shirt quilt top sewn together. Not so great that you have to unstitch on the baby quilt.

Vicki W said...

I can't believe you got that tshirt quilt together in between all of the band dates!