Monday, August 26, 2024

Four days of shows, sewing and mowing

It was a busy four days! I will start with sewing progress. The baby quilt top is done.
The binding is ready.
I had to wait to stamp the backing until the top was done so I could piece the backing to fit. I got it stamped late yesterday so tonight I will press it to heat treat it and then I can get the backing, batting, and top pin basted.
Thursday the band had a show at Kent. We had a nice crowd and I kept busy at the merch booth. The landscaping is so pretty. Since it was cooler, as soon as the sun started going down the bees left.
I got 18 bags cut out of the fabric Wanda sent me. The merch booth is in good shape right now with bags, so I don't need to get these made right away.
I made oatmeal raisin cookies Saturday morning for the band.
I left the house a little after 11:00 am on Saturday to head to my brother's house. The band played in South Euclid, Ohio, for the community Rock the Block event. It was hot! The band played 3 to 4 so that meant I was home much earlier than usual.
There were even turtles you could pet!
I finished mowing the back yard Sunday night. It had pretty much dried out from the rain we received that morning. I had mowed the majority of the yard on Friday but ran out of battery power for the mower to finish.


Cherie Moore said...

Another busy weekend for you! Mmm, oatmeal raisin cookies are the best (only according to me ;-) ) I love the stamped backing…….you have creative ideas and the stamp elevates the baby quilt with the personalized touch.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I'm glad that fabric is finally being used. It wasn't doing any good in a box at my house.

Ann said...

You've been busy as usual. These seem like good days for concerts... up there. Not here. Oatmeal raisin are my husband's favorite but it's too hot to make them right now. Love the baby quilt; the backing makes it even better. Wow.

Vicki W said...

That baby quilt is going to be so special! Your nephew really draws big crowds!