Monday, July 29, 2024

Tote bags, placemats, weeding and deer

I tried hard this weekend not to goof off. Overall, I think I did pretty good tackling the to do list. I got 15 tote bags made for the band's show on Wednesday.
Got the tote bag made for that polyester panel quilt.
I could not believe it that the backing fabric I order Wednesday afternoon arrived on Friday! The place I ordered it from is in California.
I worked on the placemats. I have two quilted and ready for binding.
The other four placemat sandwiches are ready for quilting
The binding is made. I figured I needed around 10 yards of binding for the six placemats.
Then there was yardwork. I didn't get outside as early as I should have on Sunday to try and beat the sun. I started at 7:15 a.m. and that was not early enough. I was trying to get the center bed done. It was a mess. It is better now, but I still have about a quarter of it to weed; I couldn't finish because that part was in the sun. It was hard pulling weeds because the ground is so hard and dry. Here are the before and after pics
I ended up with two wagon loads of weeds and one load of debris from deadheading the Shasta daisies.
I watered and did some trimming in the back too. After three hours I called it quits. The deer were hanging around this weekend. I saw both doe and four fawns. I don't know where the fourth fawn came from, but they were all hanging out together.
The one doe decided to take a stroll thru the neighborhood. She walked out to my front yard, smelled my plants and decided there was nothing she wanted, so she moved on with the four fawn following her.
I didn't get to the t-shirt top this weekend, but that's ok. I was happy with what I did accomplish.

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

You got a lot done! Nice to have a fast shipper, so many say it has been shipped and all that is done is a label and waiting for pick up.
It was way to humid to be outside here yesterday. Between early Sunday morning and early this morning we got 1.1" of rain.