Friday, July 19, 2024

Border pieces, more t-shirts and weekend plans.

I got the camo bibs taken apart and now have border pieces ready to sew together.
I went thru my quilting thread to make sure I had all the colors I would need once I get to quilting the t-shirt quilt. I did have every color I needed.
There was a big box at my front door when I got home.
I knew this box was coming. It contained 13 Harley t-shirts and a quilt that needs bound.
The quilt is nothing great; it's just made from panels. Someone had taken the time to hand quilt the panels. The lady who sent me the Harley shirts, Andrea, got this for nothing from someone downsizing. The person's mother who was downsizing had quilted it, but the lady didn't want it. I told Andrea I would bind it for her. It would make a good couch quilt.
My plans this weekend are to get yardwork done. I need to trim, mow and weed! It is going to be cooler so I will get up early Satruday and Sunday and try to put a dent in the mess. You can see by this picture of the three fawns I took this morning, that the back needs mowed!
I would like to get the t-shirt top finished. I am looking around to try and find fabric for the back. The fellow wanted fabric with a baseball theme. Then I need to put some time into tote bags again. We have a show at the end of the month and I like to make bags that are more themed to the audience. Last year at the venue, the Dutch Wax African Fabric bags went over big!
Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

The camo fabric will add some more variety to the T-shirt quilt
It sound like good outside weather for the weekend. I need to pull out more of the creeping bellflower, it is past its prime.