Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A list for the next 4 days

A few more tote bags are done.
I am taking Friday off so that means a 4 day weekend. What shall I do? I have had a list going in my head for the last couple of days. I want to finish up the tote bags
I want to get placemats made out of this fabric. A co-worker brought this fabric back from Hawaii and asked me to make placemats for her. It would be good to get those done although I have only had the fabric for less than two weeks.
I need to open this box of t-shirt and figure out how I will put them together for a quilt. The quilt needs to be done by October.
I had a couple container of FQ pieces that a girlfriend took to sell for me many years ago. The fabric ended up in her garage and now needs washed because of the cats. I got a bunch washed the other day and now it needs pressed. I think this will end up in baby quilts. It is a mix of my hand dyed fabrics and Dutch Wax fabrics.
Here is the other container that needs washed. I need to make baby quilts to have on hand so while I press, I am going to cut strips for either checkerboard style quilts or zig zag blocks.
I need to find time to mow, edge, and cut back the Shasta daises that have died. Maybe if I cut them back I can get a second flowering.
Look who greeted me this morning when I took out the garbage. She stood there a long time trying to decide whether to stay or run away.  She ran to the backyard.
My nephew has one show this weekend. It is local so I can drive to that to help work the merch booth. I know my list is long, but I am really going to try and focus to get something accomplished. Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July!

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I wondered if you would have Friday off too. Your list is long but handling fabric is therapeutic. I know some plants come back for a second blooming but individual deadheading would take forever. I wonder if you can just take clipper and shear off a top layer of all at once.