Tuesday, July 16, 2024

T-shirt quilt top progress

Here is the progress I have made on the t-shirt quilt. The left row is sewn together. The right row has 5 of the 6 shirts trimmed. I need to add a bit on the sides of one of the shirts or else I would have to trim the whole row narrower which I don't want to do. The quilt top is already going to be a bit narrower than I would like even with the piano key borders that will be added.
I need to check my box of quilting thread to make sure I have plenty of red thread.


Anonymous said...

What size do you cut your merchandise bags? I was able to find your handle dimensions, but not the bag itself. I'm sure you have posted it at some point, but I haven't been able to locate.

I'd like to make some bags to donate to a charity.

Thank you,


Kaja said...

It's interesting to see a red t-shirt quilt instead of a black one. I like that you are adding the improv borders and think it will be very striking when it's done.