Thursday, July 25, 2024

T-shirt quilt top center row progress

I made some good progress last evening on the center row. All the shirts got the add on fabric sewn, trimmed all the shirts to size and started sewing them into the row. I only have to sew one more seam which is the one between the Nasty t-shirt and the red one. I am going to have to clear off my big table so I can lay one of the other two row units down so I can get the right length for the center row.
The fabric sample arrived for the backing fabric. I had sent the etsy store a question asking about the fabric quality since I was making a sentimental quilt, and they said we would be glad to send me a sample. Another place I had contacted wasn't as accommodating. I ordered the fabric yesterday and it is already on its way to me!
I finished stitching this little sampler yesterday. It didn't take very long to stitch. I will be making it into a small pillow to add to my collection.


Vicki W said...

That was nice that they would send you a sample!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That is nice of the Etsy shop to send you a sample. It looks like one more night working on the T-shirt top and it will be done.