Monday, July 22, 2024

It was a busy weekend

I got more done on the t-shirt quilt top. The border is now sewn on both side panels. All I have left to do is get a basketball jersey squared up and then I can sew together the center row.
I decided to get the panel quilt bound and out of my way. It was icky to work on because the batting is polyester and there was a bit of mildew on it. I got the binding machine sewn on it Saturday and got the hand sewing done Sunday. I had to push myself to get this done. I did have to shorten it by one row because the batting and backing did not extend all the way to the end and there was a hole in the backing. This quilt was not worth the effort to spend any more time than necessary, so I just cut one row off. It turned out 82 1/2" x 85.
As soon as I was done stitching the binding, I threw it in the washer using hot water and lots of soap. It came out fluffy and clean! I now will have to make a tote bag to put it in. It had arrived in a giant plastic bag which I am not going to reuse or clean because of the mildew.
On Saturday I did get a lot of trimming around the yard done and got the front and one side mowed. Sunday, I weeded for a couple hours until the sun came around to the front and then it just got too hot for me. I still have the other side yard and the back yard that need mowed. I did finish this small sampler.
and here is another small sampler I finished the week before that I forgot to post


Vicki W said...

It was really kind of you to save that quilt. I'm not sure I would have done it, especially with the mildew smell. The t-shirt quilt looks great! That's come together quickly.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I'm glad that quilt came out nice after washing. It is still a good size with a row cut off.