Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A list for the next 4 days

A few more tote bags are done.
I am taking Friday off so that means a 4 day weekend. What shall I do? I have had a list going in my head for the last couple of days. I want to finish up the tote bags
I want to get placemats made out of this fabric. A co-worker brought this fabric back from Hawaii and asked me to make placemats for her. It would be good to get those done although I have only had the fabric for less than two weeks.
I need to open this box of t-shirt and figure out how I will put them together for a quilt. The quilt needs to be done by October.
I had a couple container of FQ pieces that a girlfriend took to sell for me many years ago. The fabric ended up in her garage and now needs washed because of the cats. I got a bunch washed the other day and now it needs pressed. I think this will end up in baby quilts. It is a mix of my hand dyed fabrics and Dutch Wax fabrics.
Here is the other container that needs washed. I need to make baby quilts to have on hand so while I press, I am going to cut strips for either checkerboard style quilts or zig zag blocks.
I need to find time to mow, edge, and cut back the Shasta daises that have died. Maybe if I cut them back I can get a second flowering.
Look who greeted me this morning when I took out the garbage. She stood there a long time trying to decide whether to stay or run away.  She ran to the backyard.
My nephew has one show this weekend. It is local so I can drive to that to help work the merch booth. I know my list is long, but I am really going to try and focus to get something accomplished. Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Dent in the pile

I got 13 bags ready for finishing.
I press the tops of the bags down two inches them fold the raw edge under to make a 1 inch band. I mark handle placement with a washable Crayola marker. I will sew these bags tonight. Only 29 more to go in this batch.
I do have some specialty tote bags I will need to make for a show later on in the month. I am going to try and get those cut out while I am off over the 4th of July.

Monday, July 1, 2024

A weekend of tote bags

This weekend a sewing friend came up on Saturday and spent the night. She worked on her Cosmic Cow One Block Wonder blocks. Can you see the cow in the enlarged photo with a rose in the cow's mouth? The cow's nose is green.
I finished up pressing all the tote bag handles and my friend helped me top stitch them. It took a total of 3 1/2 woman hours to get them done. We both sewed for an hour - so that 2 woman hours - then we took a break and went to the grocery store. I didn't know she was staying overnight so I was short on provisions. We got back and then we both sewed for another 45 minutes. She went back to her cow blocks and I started sewing together bags. Between Saturday and Sunday, I was able to finish 30 bags.
I sorted out the rest of the handles and matched them up with the bag fabric. I have 42 more bags to sew together for this round of bags. Last year I made 200 bags. Once I get these made I will have made around 120 bags so far this season.
While my friend was here I had her help me cut up the large picture frames I had sitting in the garage. I need to cut these frames down for framing my cross stitch. The large frames are hard to hold on to and operate the miter saw at the same time so an extra pair of hands helps so much!
Some of the frames are going to need some refinishing before I cut them to size and reassemble them, but just getting them cut into pieces was a huge help!