Friday, February 1, 2019

Yeah it is Friday!

Last evening I spent time dealing with a frozen pipe. Despite running a space heater in the downstairs bathroom (the space heater is new and positioned well away from anything that could catch fire)the hot water line to both sinks froze. What is weird is the cold water line did not freeze. Oh well, I got the heat up in there and got the one hot water faucet running, but even after blowing heat in there all night, the other one was still frozen when I left for work. At least no burst pipe!

We had some early snow showers and my drive to work was a slow one. The roads were covered with just enough snow to make it dicey.

This weekend I plan on painting in the laundry/utility/dressing room, quilt on Sammy's quilt, and if it gets up to 52 on Sunday like it is forecasted, I will wash my filthy, salt encrusted car. Maybe Uncle Frank will have my new cupboard done. I don't know for sure, but that would be fun! Have a great weekend!


Glen QuiltSwissy said...

It really is funny about the cold water versus the hot water pipe. So sorry you had to deal with that on a cold morning. I would’ve made Frank go out and take care of it 😁

Kaja said...

I hope your temperatures have risen, that you have had a successful weekend of painting, quilting and carwashing.

Ann said...

I'm glad the pipes didn't burst. What a trial this storm has been.