Thursday, November 4, 2010

The crazy train has left - at least for now

I finally got a little quilting done it felt great! I did spend some time cleaning up the sewing room from the TV installation Tuesday night - it was quite a mess. It was nice and quiet last evening with only one phone call.

Today at work I will be straightening out file boxes to put into the new storage room we are using. The office I work in is attached to a huge building that the school district uses as swing space for the elementary schools when they buildings are being torn down and rebuilt. The building can hold two elementary schools. Our new storage room is in the basement. To get there I have to go down a long hallway with my noisy cart (one box at a time because it is a really cheap cart) then to the elevator down to the basement, and then down another hallway. At least I am getting some exercise out of it! Moving all the file boxes is going to take 4 - 8 weeks depending on how much time I have to work on them between other duties.

There is a bomb threat in downtown Akron this morning - two backpacks and another package. So far nothing bad has happened - which is great, but I think it is just a diversion by some thugs. We'll see how the rest of the day goes. I am located about 1 1/5 miles from where the incident is happening. Hopefully the police can get it cleared up before rush hour.

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