Saturday, December 31, 2022

One more post - Happy New Year!

I was hoping to have the t-shirt quilt done for my last finish for 2022, but that just didn't work out. The good news is my first finish for 2023 will be in the first week of 2023! I have circled the area I have left to quilt.
Things have been a little crazy. The weather was just awful. Not as bad as some people had, but challenging. I stayed home for Xmas since I had a frozen pipe and didn't want to leave the house with a space heater running. The pipe finally unthawed Monday night. Then Tuesday evening around 9:20 p.m. - no water. I ended up calling the police department to see if they knew anything; they did not know about it. I told them I was concerned if there was a fire would the hydrants work. The water was back on by morning although it was brown for a while!  A pipe broke that was at the  cross street to the cul-de-sac.  Then Thursday evening I was watching Law & Order and there seemed to be a lot of siren background noise. I put the TV on mute and it was actually coming from outside. The sirens keep coming closer. I looked outside and saw the reflection of lights flashing so I headed outside and along with the neighbors saw that the fire department was at a house at the end of the street. There were no flames, but there was smoke from a furnace that somebody had worked on. At least it was 60 degrees outside and no one got hurt. Geeze - enough excitement for the week!
I did get the other six placemats done
Made pie, cookies, and fudge to take to my son's for our delayed Xmas on New Year's Eve.
67 hours until I have to go back to work. Have a safe and happy New Year!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Yes, the weather was a big problem for a lot of people, just extremely cold here over Christmas. I can't imagine what it would be like to have a broken main near me. Ugh, brown water and not safe for a couple days? Thank goodness it was warm the day of the furnace mishap up the street. I think you have had more than enough excitement to end the year with.

Happy New Year!

Robbie said...

Wow! You sure had some excitement...glad pipes are fixed and fire wasn't deadly for folks. Your pies look wonderful as do other treats!!! Happy New Year my Internet friend! Look forward to your 2023 projects!

Vicki W said...

Wow, that was a little too much excitement. Glad you didn't have any damage from the weather events.