Wednesday morning I headed over to my brother's to let the guys in who would be installing a new furnace. My brother left to go back to California the day before. I did a little hand sewing and some messing on the computer, but I just had to get out of there for some lunch and to get warm. I sat there from 8 am to 1:20 in 46 degrees. I had brought my electric blanket (thank goodness!), but my feet were so cold. I met up with an x-cousin for lunch and to give her the alterations I had done for her. They finally were done with the installation at 3:30. My brother told me that it would only take 4 hours - wrong! After the furnace guys left, I was close to the tire shop and they weren't busy so I had my leaking rim fixed and they rotated the tires. I went home and tried to get warm! I was so tired I could hardly stay awake. I told my brother he owes me big time to shooting a day's vacation! I did get the tricot pillowcases that someone had requested done despite being tired. They didn't take as long to make as I thought they would and I was just glad to finally get them done.
Old furnace

New furnace

I left the house Thursday morning at 6:30 to head 50 miles south in freezing rain for a follow up eye doctor appointment. On my hand is the list I had of other errands that I needed to take care of. My brother (a different brother than the furnace one), his wife and son came over to the library and helped me take down my quilts - thank goodness. With their help it only took about 20 minutes to take everything down and get it packed.
I decided since I bought the zipper at JoAnn's on my trip, I decided to go ahead and put it in this jacket last night even though I was tired. I am glad I did because that is one more thing done.

I am not sure what the next three days will bring. I am going over to my brother's house on Sunday and his son is going to help me post my quilts and books on ebay. Monday, Jan. 3, is a holiday for me so I am going to try and make the most of the time.