Monday, March 17, 2025

Happy St. Patrick's Day, pouch progress, etc.

I was too tired to make cut out cookies for the guys at work so I made French butter cookies which are a shortbread cookie. I put in some green food coloring.
I quilted all day Saturday on the pouch units. I quilted another 5 on Sunday morning and got 23 done.
Here are the empty spools of thread. Some of the spools just had smaller yardage so it was good to get them used up.
I still have 30 units to quilt, but the table is half empty now!
I need to get two pouches finished so I can give them to that lady that I had made the other 24 pouches for. She needed one more for the retreat and I made one for her husband that had admired the pouches. I only have a few zippers in my stash right now, but I found a couple that would work.
My SIL texted me about the t-shirts she sent me for a quilt and that she was busy making a new sign for the protest she was participating in at the local Tesla dealership. She later texted me that CNN was at the protest, so I turned CNN on. There she was with her new sign "Don't support a N**i" sign. There were lots of people at the protest and they have been at that dealership a lot.
The fellow running for city council stopped by on Saturday to give me the thank you cards and instructions on what to write, so I will be busy the next couple of days working on those. I know our Irish great-grandmother and grandmother would approve of our civic activism!


Cherie Moore said...

Yay, for your SIL!!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Yum, shortbread cookies!!
You have emptied more spools than me so far this year. I have a lot of spools with a little left that I may use next. More space to spread out the spools with lots of thread on them.
Tesla is really taking a hit. I hope it makes a difference.

dianne said...

i like your sister-in-law - good for YOU and your family!!!

p.s. - that's a lotta quilting - sheesh