Friday, March 14, 2025

Another pouch, Barr Owl nest, Lenten Roses, and t-shirts for another quilt.

I got another unit quilted for a curved top pouch. I think this novelty fabric will make a cute pouch!
I took a walk around the yard after work. It was so nice outside! Here is the tree where the Barr Owl's nest is located.
The Lenten roses are blooming nicely! The white flowers are the same ones from the picture I posted the other day. They have grown! Then there is a purple/pink one that has lots of flowers.
My nephew delivered to me at work my SIL's t-shirts. She had texted me that she folded them into groups so I will have to find out her thoughts on how she wants them put together into a quilt.
I am looking forward to the weekend. I have some outdoor work I would like to do and will be working on the pouches. I think I will have to make some cookies for Monday for St. Patrick's Day. I think shamrock cutout cookies would fit the bill! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

It is warm here too but all I have done is pick up small branches 2 days. No blooms yet here. It's going back to the 40s on Sunday and looking ahead I see one night below freezing so winter isn't done with us. Cutout cookies sound good!