Thursday, March 13, 2025

In demand

I only managed to get one more unit quilted. I can get two outside pieces or two lining pieces out of a third of a yard therefore I have two pouches that will be the same.
While I was quilting the phone rang and it was my nephew. He has a box of my SIL's t-shirts for me that have found their way to Ohio from California via a musician friend. It's a long story! Anyway, he wanted to know when he could drop them off to me. While I was on the phone with him my son called. I called my son back and we were on the phone a long time. I hadn't talked to him in quite a while. While I was on the phone with my son, there was a knock at the door. Geeze, I was in demand last tonight! I opened the window downstairs to find out who it was. I thought he was probably a salesperson, but it turned out he was running for City Counsel for the ward I live in. I talked to him a bit and my son was listening on the phone. He got us both excited about his mission and thoughts on the current climate locally. My son is going to spread the word to his friends about this fellow and I want to help the man out so I will be emailing him to find out what I can do. It feels like a positive contribution and very grassroots to try and do something.

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

The good people running for office need the extra boost of publicity. I always hope for the best when I am voting.