Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Another pouch, thank you notes, Lenten roses, angels and a computer mess

I only had time to quilt and trim fabric for one pouch
I decided I needed to get the envelopes for the thank you notes addressed. I addressed 53 so this is done. Next I need to write the notes inside.
My Lenten Roses are really blooming! I have to get out into this bed and get it cleaned up.
It has been a while since I posted a picture of the cross stitch angels.
At work the IT guys made me get a new laptop. What a pain. It has a newer version of Windows and now nothing is in the same place. I swear they change stuff just to F**k with the world! It is like when a grocery store rearranges everything and nothing is where it was so it takes you three times as long!
So I go back to the job site and guess what? I can't plug the monitor into the dock because my monitor is so old that the techy people don't use the screw in plugs anymore.
So this morning I had to go back to the home office and get a new monitor. One fellow helped me get the thing out of the box; it was heavy! I was trying to hook it up and was failing. Another guy came over and got the thing working. I hate new technology! My old stuff was working fine, but even cookies and begging was not enough to get my old laptop back from IT.

1 comment:

dianne said...

homebaked cookies and begging are seen as signs of weakness - and not leverage - to IT InCels...