Monday, March 24, 2025

Pouch progress

I didn't get as much done as I wanted this weekend. Saturday I was just plain tired. I did work on quilting the pouch units, but I was having problems with the thread jumping out of the bobbin and breaking. I changed the needle, I oiled the machine, adjusted the tension, but nothing seemed to help. It was a real battle trying to get the red ones done. I had no problems when I started on the blue ones so it had to have been that red thread that was the problem. I did manage to get 11 pouches quilted.
Here is the stack of all the pouches ready for finishings. There are 57.
My box of zippers I ordered on Thursday afternoon arrived Saturday morning! That was crazy fast! Once I finish quilting the last 8 pouch units, I will start sewing them together.
I saw a doe in the backyard looking for something to eat. She is pregnant.


dianne said...

57!!! kinda like Heinz ketchup? that IS A LOTTA pouches - you're a pouch making machine, girlfriend!!!

Sven refuses to accept any thread other than Aurifil in the bobbin or through his needle - he's a cantankerous old Viking, but i do love him

Vicki W said...

57 pouches! WOW!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I occasionally have a thread that won't behave too. It is aggravating. That is a lot of pouches to sew zippers into.

Kathy S. said...

Wow! Your pouch prodution is impressive. Yeah for mama doe. You'll be taking pics of fawn(s) in May/June!