Tuesday, June 18, 2013

5th finish of 2013

After I went home from work yesterday morning because my teeth hurt so bad and my stomach was upset from the pain pills I went and took a long nap. I felt better when I got up, fixed something to eat, and went down to the studio and machine quilted a bit. I ended up getting this baby quilt made from the Halloween scraps done. It is small - 33.25 x 40.5. That adds another 1,347 square inches to my total of 9,210 for the quilt your quilts challenge.

I decided to join Glen from quiltswissy.blogspot.com in the 365 day creativity project. It started June 15 and I just did my first project this morning so I am already behind! This teeth problem really put a crimp in my schedule. Oh, by the way, I feel much better today. I had bought some of that pain numbing gel for teeth and it helped a lot! My teeth on the left side are just a bit sore, but the pain is gone - YEAH! So now back to my project - make something that would fit in the palm of your hand from materials in your immediate surroundings.
I took a white carpenter's pencil and painted black stripes on it. I like how the lettering still shows on the one side.

1 comment:

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

A fancy Carpenter's Pencil! Cool!

365 doesn't have to be complicated, just creative!

Loving it. I do day 4 today, the walk about! I have a surprise for a neighbor!