Thursday, October 13, 2011

A quilt delivered, another one to make, one that needs mailed, ones to look at

Do you remember this quilt I made last year? I had posted on on August 9, 2010 and I was delivered yesterday. Ok, here is more information. My brother has had this quilt in his road case (he tours with rock bands) since August last year. He said he would either run into the person who I made this quilt for his son or he would be in Austin, Texas and deliver it to the man's non-profit organization. Well, my brother was in Austin and delivered it yesterday. I made this quilt for Max Armstong, son of Lance Armstrong. The seven yellow zig zag strips are for Lance's seven TDF wins. The zig zag pattern is for the mountains he had to climb. One of the zig zag has sun flowers which the riders always ride past during the tour. The 28 on the back was from the number all the Radio Shack riders worn on their jersey's the last day of the tour. It represents the 28,000,000 people battling cancer. Yellow and black are the colors of the Livestrong Organization. I did put a lable on the quilt that was red, gray, and yellow which are the Team Radio Shack colors. My brother gave the quilt to a lady at the Livestrong Offices and she said she would make sure Lance got the quilt.

While I was working in Charm I waited on a sweet lady who wanted to make a sinple quilt with John Deere fabric for her grandson. The more I talked to her the more frustrated she was getting, because she doesn't sew much. She was getting overwhelmed with my questions about making sure she had everything she needed - batting , backing, binding - and how she was going to secure the layer together. I felt so bad for her that I asked her if she wanted me to make it for her. I know, I know, but I just couldn't help myself. She was such a nice lady and I felt bad for her. She smiled and said yes. It is a simple whole cloth piece and won't take long to do. I have the layers pin basted and I plan on getting it quilted this weekend.

I have an x-cousin by marriage whose daughter is pregnant and the shower is Sunday. I won't be attending the shower so I need to get a quilt in the mail. That goodness for a stash of baby quilts! The baby's room will be blue and yellow with touches of orange and green. This was the best fit I could find. I will have to mail it at lunch today.
Thia is the link to Karen Griska's new etsy shop. Karen has the Selvage Blog and has the most inspiring quilts in her etsy shop. Check it out.

This morning's sky.


Selvage Quilter said...

Thanks for the mention of my Etsy store. Lots of good stuff on your blog. I like the early morning photos, chocolate wine, nice quilts, Amish country...Hugs to you,

Heather A said...

I love everything about the look of your yellow zigzag quilt but when I read the story about it, I was even more impressed! Very thoughtful ... symbolic ... meaningful. Thanks for telling the story. It's beautiful and will surely be most treasured.