Here is the fawn. I was out mowing Sunday late afternoon and saw it jump out from under the deck. I went inside and grabbed the camera. I keep walking toward it as I talked to it. It wasn't shaking like it was scared. I got within 3 - 4 feet of it to take this picture. I still have not seen the mother and I did not see the fawn Monday evening. Later after the fawn wandered off I stood by the daylillies the fawn was standing in and the day lillies come up to my knees. I am 5' 2" tall so that will give you an idea of how little this fawn is - about 20" tall.
Do you have one of these rooms? I am bearing my soul and showing you this mess. Now you don't have to feel bad that you are the only one that has a room that you have to keep the door shut from company! This is my catch all room. I don't have a basement so this room is full of holiday decorations, furniture that has not found a place, and construction materials that still need installed, the canna rizomes that need planted, extra lamps, the dehumidfier, quilting frame rails, and just stuff! I keep the shop vac in here and about kill myself tripping over stuff to get to it. My goal was to get rid of the empty boxes, consolidate and label, vacuum up the dust bunnies and dead bugs, and put stuff back where it belongs.
After. I feel much better that the mess is now more orderly and under control. I need to redo this room - remove wall paper borders, repair walls, install a closet system and doors, paint everything, replace baseboard and flooring. Now that I have cleaned up it will be easier to move what I have when I redo this room.
I dyed two more pieces of linen for the wedding quilt. I did a lighter piece - the second piece from the left - and a dark piece. Tonight I have company coming - one day later than was previously discussed, but it worked out great for me (I got the dishes done last night!) and better for her.
That fawn will be so cute eating your Hostas!
The fawn is precious. However, I am really partial to before & after pictures. Keep up the great work!
oh, I have a room like that all right. unfortunately there's a queen-sized bed in there and not a whole lot of extra room. I just toss stuff in there but it is way past time to try and bring some amount of order. sigh. that fawn is a cutie!
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