Thursday, June 20, 2024

Tote bags and Shasta daisies

I sewed like a crazy woman and got 17 tote bags and 4 drumhead bags finished. I now need to cut more fabric for the next batch of bags.
The heat is really cooking my poor flowers. 90+ again yesterday and the same today. The Shasta daisies have bloomed about two weeks earlier than usual.
They will look nice for the big graduation party this weekend. On Sunday, one of the neighbors got permission to close down the cul-de-sac and are having a big party for the twins boys. Sounds like they have a lot of activities planned. I will have to make sure I do what I need so I don't have to leave the house on Sunday. I am taking a day of vacation on Friday so I will check back in with you all Monday. Have a great weekend!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

You made great progress on the tote bags.
90s here too. Storms going through all missing us but one little shower. There are still a few little clusters so I hope we get some more rain.

Vicki W said...

You did get a lot of sewing dome! Sounds like you'll have plenty of sewing time Sunday too. The daisies look beautiful.

Ann said...

I planted some Shasta daisies this year and they are blooming, too. Just a few. Hopefully they will look as good as yours in a few years.

Kaja said...

Your daisies look wonderful, despite the heat.