Monday, June 17, 2024

4th finish for 2024, trip to PA, babies everywhere

The baby quilt is finally done! I do need to put a label on it, but I need to get more information or otherwise that would have been sewn on yesterday. The quilt is 43 X 48 1/4.
On Friday I drove to Meadville PA to meet up with the band for a gig. The band was coming from two shows in Wisconsin. They couldn't swing by and pick me up because of the time, the roads they were taking and there was no room in the van. It was a 2 1/2 hour drive and I was happy that I found the place. We had a good crowd and decent sales. I had left at 12:30 P.M. and got to bed at 12:30 a.m. I followed the van on the way back which was easier than trying to navigate the scenic route I had taken on the way over.
I saw both mom deers this weekend. My neighbor said his wife saw the moms fighting last week. I guess they don't like sharing the space behind the houses. The yellow outlined area is the wooded area behind my house where the deer stay. The yellow X shows how close the metro park is located.
There was also this groundhog and its little ones that ate their way across my back yard.
On Saturday I only had enough energy to mow the front and one side yard. I spent most of the day doing counted cross stitch because I was so tired. Sunday I did finish the baby quilt, hemmed a pair of pants for one of the ladies I work with, and got 34 handles made for more tote bags.
I got oatmeal cookies made Friday morning for the band and 9 tote bags made. I am just keeping up right now with the tote bags. There were some left from last year, but we have been going thru them fast.
I have been trying to water every evening to get all the plants well hydrated for the heat wave this week. I even watered the Shasta daisies out front which I haven't been watering.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Your daisies and decorative grass look so nice. We won't have to mow here for awhile. We haven't had any measurable rain for over a week and it looks like a slim chance to get any this week.

Vicki W said...

The baby quilt turned out so nice! You are really pumping out those tote bags! It's such a great way to recycle old decorator fabrics.