Monday, June 10, 2024

Covers done, quilting progress, a tutu, and building a bridge

I tried hard this weekend to get some things done. Friday As soon as I got home from work I finished the two remaining covers and headed to the FedEx office.
On the way home I stopped at a craft store to pick up supplies to make a 4th of July tutu for my brother and SIL's dog.
Saturday's project -a finished tutu
On Saturday I also finished sewing together the baby quilt. I sewed two pieces together for the backing and on Sunday got it pin basted. I started quilting on the baby quilt as soon as I got back from the grocery store Sunday morning. I got the top done except for one corner.
On Friday one of the fellows here took me out to see the job site for the bridge project I am working on. Here is 5' 2" of me standing next to one of the beams.
More beams
Building the piers. The two tallest ones will be over 100 feet.
I was happy with what I accomplished this weekend, but there is always more that needs done!


Cherie Moore said...

I didn’t know you were part of the Blue Man group ;-). I bet you feel great getting the covers mailed off…and that dog must be very patient!!!

Vicki W said...

Your brother's dog has a better wardrobe that I have! LOL! I just love construction projects. It would be exciting to see a bridge being built.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I'm late reading blogs today. You did have a good weekend. That tutu is so cute. I wonder if the dog really likes wearing them.