Monday, June 24, 2024

Road trip and working in the studio

I went on a road trip to Warsaw, Indiana, with the band on Friday. It was a five hour drive to the venue.
I had left the house at 8:25 a.m. on Friday and got home at 2:45 a.m. Saturday. The park we played at was beautiful, but it was just too hot to walk around and take any pictures. The band was very well received and we did sell a lot of merch. Here was my view to the side of the stage and of the merch booth.
We saw this funny looking Tesla on the way to the venue.
Saturday I was up and moving about 9. A co-worker/friend stopped over around noon to pick up the baby quilt, her pants, and a belt I had redesigned. I got the belt done that morning and forgot to take a picture. I spent some time getting labels on two other baby quilts and got them boxed up for shipment along with the 4th of July tutu. Took them to the grocery store for mailing.  I was glad to get that job done.
The rest of Saturday I just cross stitched and puttered around the house. Sunday I got out and watered the plants even though rain was in the forecast. The plants got a good pre-soak before the .55" of rain from two different showers.  I felt bad for the neighbors who were having a graduation party. The second rain was about 4 p.m. and it didn't last too long so the party continued.
I saw one of the does with her twins and the other fawn Sunday. Don't know where the other doe was.
My brother and SIL like to go to garage sales. They got this box of mostly drapery fabric for free.
I cut tote bags for the merch booth all day Sunday and now have 69 bags to sew up. I used all of those bags I made last week for the show in Warsaw. The only fabric I didn't use was a piece of lightweight rayon and a fuzzy fabric. The next show isn't for a couple weeks so I have time to get these made.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That is a log of bags ready to sew! I hope the rest of the shows are closer to home.

Vicki W said...

Your day with the band is like one of mine at the voting precinct. It takes me 2 days to recover!