Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Feeling bad and math don't mix

Last week I made two covers for my nephew. The one for the keyboard I got right.
The one for piano - well, did I ever figure the length wrong! I was not thinking right with feeling so bad.
It was easy to fix by adding a piece. I know where I went wrong.
I didn't have a lot of time to sew yesterday because I had a dentist appointment. The hygienist said my mouth was boring. She couldn't find anything interesting that needed her masterful touch which was a good thing! When I did finally get home, I got the last little bit of the baby quilt quilted and washed sheets.
Tonight, I need to mow and at least get a start on the binding for the baby quilt.


Cherie Moore said...

Whoops! Ah well, at least you didn’t beat yourself up, giving yourself a break because you were feeling so awful. Hopefully the more recent covers were all good.

Vicki W said...

The piano cover made me laugh but I knew it would be an easy fix. I went to the dentist last week and also had a boring appointment. I love getting my teeth cleaned and seeing my cute dentist.