Thursday, June 20, 2024

Tote bags and Shasta daisies

I sewed like a crazy woman and got 17 tote bags and 4 drumhead bags finished. I now need to cut more fabric for the next batch of bags.
The heat is really cooking my poor flowers. 90+ again yesterday and the same today. The Shasta daisies have bloomed about two weeks earlier than usual.
They will look nice for the big graduation party this weekend. On Sunday, one of the neighbors got permission to close down the cul-de-sac and are having a big party for the twins boys. Sounds like they have a lot of activities planned. I will have to make sure I do what I need so I don't have to leave the house on Sunday. I am taking a day of vacation on Friday so I will check back in with you all Monday. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Tote bag prep work

I now have all the tote bags that my friend and I worked on a few months ago all prepped and ready for the final assembly. I got the raw edges at the top where the handles attach, pressed down 2" and then folded and pressed it to be 1" wide. Next I put a mark where the handles go when I stitch the handles on.
Here are all the bodies and handles waiting at the sewing machine for assembly. I think there are twenty.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Keeping busy

I got the info I needed for the baby quilt label so I took care of that last evening.
I was digging around to find a boy baby quilt for a new arrival in the family. I am a great aunt again. I found these two quilts.
I think I will sent the tan and blue linen quilt since it is a bit more special. I printed the fabric at a workshop the time I went to QuiltCon years ago. The dark linen fabric came from a pair of Irish linen pants that belonged to a neighbor of mine. I don't think he ever wore them. The fabric is beautiful.
I started a new cross stitch piece. I had it already kitted up and have been wanting to stitch this for a while. Octopus's Garden by Blackbird. Here is my little start.  The fabric doesn't show the right color.  It is a soft blue/grey linen, but it looks grey in this picture. 
I received a box of fabric I had bought from Wanda of Exuberant Color. She is de-stashing some of her fabric. I thought this bundle would be great for baby quilts which I need to get some made to have on hand.
I also bought this crane fabric which I will make into a couple of project bags. The fabric is so beautiful!
Then Wanda included a few pieces extra she though would be perfect for project bags and I can't wait to make those! The prints are fabulous! I will be able to get one large project bag and maybe a small one out of each piece.
We got two storms yesterday so I didn't have to water last night. I am sure all my flowers were happy to get rain water instead of tap. The Shasta daisies are coming along. It is too bad they will only last about two weeks. I swear this year as soon as the blooms die, I am going to trim them back and see if I can get a second bloom. I wait all year for them to bloom and they last such a short time. The plants are in different stages of blooming right now.

Monday, June 17, 2024

4th finish for 2024, trip to PA, babies everywhere

The baby quilt is finally done! I do need to put a label on it, but I need to get more information or otherwise that would have been sewn on yesterday. The quilt is 43 X 48 1/4.
On Friday I drove to Meadville PA to meet up with the band for a gig. The band was coming from two shows in Wisconsin. They couldn't swing by and pick me up because of the time, the roads they were taking and there was no room in the van. It was a 2 1/2 hour drive and I was happy that I found the place. We had a good crowd and decent sales. I had left at 12:30 P.M. and got to bed at 12:30 a.m. I followed the van on the way back which was easier than trying to navigate the scenic route I had taken on the way over.
I saw both mom deers this weekend. My neighbor said his wife saw the moms fighting last week. I guess they don't like sharing the space behind the houses. The yellow outlined area is the wooded area behind my house where the deer stay. The yellow X shows how close the metro park is located.
There was also this groundhog and its little ones that ate their way across my back yard.
On Saturday I only had enough energy to mow the front and one side yard. I spent most of the day doing counted cross stitch because I was so tired. Sunday I did finish the baby quilt, hemmed a pair of pants for one of the ladies I work with, and got 34 handles made for more tote bags.
I got oatmeal cookies made Friday morning for the band and 9 tote bags made. I am just keeping up right now with the tote bags. There were some left from last year, but we have been going thru them fast.
I have been trying to water every evening to get all the plants well hydrated for the heat wave this week. I even watered the Shasta daisies out front which I haven't been watering.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Tote bags and flowers

I pulled out the tote bags. I need to try and get a few made for the show this weekend.
I had to water the flowers last evening. The lavender smells so good and there are lots of bees!
I am taking a day of vacation tomorrow so I will catch up with you all on Monday! Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Binding progress

I was tired when I got home from work. The allergies are still hanging on draining my energy and plugging up my ears. Overall, I do feel a lot better than I did a week and a half ago. I did manage to get the binding on the baby quilt. I still need to stitch the miter corners which is a job will take only a half hour at most.
I also finished this little sampler. It measures 5 3/4" x 6 3/4".

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Feeling bad and math don't mix

Last week I made two covers for my nephew. The one for the keyboard I got right.
The one for piano - well, did I ever figure the length wrong! I was not thinking right with feeling so bad.
It was easy to fix by adding a piece. I know where I went wrong.
I didn't have a lot of time to sew yesterday because I had a dentist appointment. The hygienist said my mouth was boring. She couldn't find anything interesting that needed her masterful touch which was a good thing! When I did finally get home, I got the last little bit of the baby quilt quilted and washed sheets.
Tonight, I need to mow and at least get a start on the binding for the baby quilt.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Covers done, quilting progress, a tutu, and building a bridge

I tried hard this weekend to get some things done. Friday As soon as I got home from work I finished the two remaining covers and headed to the FedEx office.
On the way home I stopped at a craft store to pick up supplies to make a 4th of July tutu for my brother and SIL's dog.
Saturday's project -a finished tutu
On Saturday I also finished sewing together the baby quilt. I sewed two pieces together for the backing and on Sunday got it pin basted. I started quilting on the baby quilt as soon as I got back from the grocery store Sunday morning. I got the top done except for one corner.
On Friday one of the fellows here took me out to see the job site for the bridge project I am working on. Here is 5' 2" of me standing next to one of the beams.
More beams
Building the piers. The two tallest ones will be over 100 feet.
I was happy with what I accomplished this weekend, but there is always more that needs done!

Friday, June 7, 2024

Three done, two to go

I now have three of the five covers made. I still don't have the address where I need to ship them. I plan on getting the other two done tonight and move on to the next project!
Here are my pitiful zucchini plants. The one has flowered! I need to get these in the gound this weekend and then I then they will really grow.
My plans for the weekend are to work on the baby quilt and spend some time cleaning the garage to find the source of the smell. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Progress on the covers

I finished cutting all the pieces and parts I needed for the keyboard covers. That took more time than I thought. I did make one cutting mistake, but overall, I don't think it will matter.
I was able to get one made before I physically crashed. Here is the first one done and what it looks like folded up. It's not exactly what the fellow had in mind, but I am doing what I can.
The coneflowers are starting to show their colors. This is the second year for these plants and they are doing well.