Friday, August 12, 2011

Busy, busy, busy!

The last Downtown @ Dusk party at the Art Museum went well last evening. The temperature has dropped and the humidity is gone so it was a very pleasant evening. I managed to get two more dozen mt beer bottles for a friend who is brewing their own beer. One of the other volunteers asked me if I would donate a quilt for a cancer fund raiser she was having and of course I said yes. I went home last night, rumaged thru my stash, and found this cute orange and blue number. I put a label on it and wrapped it up for her. She stopped by my office this morning to pick it up.

I will be heading out today to buy the twin sized mattress and box spring I need for the re-do. This weekend will be all about paint trim and furniture and getting the trim installed. I will have lots of before and afters on Monday. I hope to have the room done soon so I can get back to sewing! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Tami R said...

I'm - you're the inspiration....thank you!