I wound all the empty bobbins I had. The eggplant ones are for the African fabric piece and the white is for the whirly gig quilts. I will have to wind more white. I will end up using between 12 - 14 bobbins for each quilt.

The binding is cut for three out of the five quilts. I like to use a binder clip and hang the strips on the design wall so they don't get misplaced or used for something else.

I have been visiting second hand stores, yard sales, and the Goodwill stores looking for t-shirts with rock n' roll bands on them. So far I am not having much luck. I have a project that I want to pursue now its a matter of gathering the materials. I looked at E-bay also, but when you add in the shipping the prices are more than what I want to pay. I am going to try and hit a couple of yard sales this weekend.
Have a great weekend!
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