I did get this baby quilt done. I was happy with the result and I gave it to the future Mom this morning and she loved it.

I used the eggplant thread in the bobbin since I didn't do any back art.

I found these great casserole pans at a discount store Saturday morning and they said buy me and fill me with stuffed shells - so I did. I ended up taking one casserole pan and the small square dish (see the next picture) over to my brother's house. He had called and his son had to tell me all about going on stage with the Counting Crows in Columbus, Ohio on Friday night and playing a solo on guitar. I wanted to see the video so I told them I would bring lunch on Sunday. I only had one jar of sause so I had to make a quick trip to the store and ran into another sister-in-law and another nephew who gave me the longest hug! So instead of staying home sewing which was the plan for all weekend I spent all Sunday afternoon at my brother's. We had a great time watching the video and looking at their pictures from their recent trip to Woodstock and NYC. The video on you tube is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRuCglphwA8&feature=search if you want to see it. Tonight after work I am taking the round dish of shells to my son. The other casserole dish will serve as my lunches for the week. I just got done with my lunch while typing this and they were delicious!

Ready for the oven.

All baked - my house smelled so good.

I have had my nephew's (the guitar player)baby quilt for at least 8 or 8 years. I made this for him before he was born in 1997. It needed repaired due to one of the black fabrics I used in the quilt fell apart. I had used the bad fabric in the logs and the binding. I have no idea what possessed me to finally take on this project and repair his quilt this weekend. Maybe it was seeing him in the video of the concert and spending time with him Sunday.

Here is a close up of one of the areas I fixed. I cut strips of black fabric, pressed under the long sides and one end and then just started appliqueing the strips down with a blanket stitch. I ended up replacing over 30% of the black logs along with the binding. Maybe it wasnt't the "right" way to fix the quilt, but I wasn't about to take the whole thing apart. If I did that I might as well just make a new one. The point was to give him back the quilt I made for him when he was born.

SO here the quilt is freshly washed and ready to be given back to my nephew.

1 comment:
It may not have been what you planned but it sounds like it was a great weekend anyway! I love that baby quilt.
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