Friday, September 20, 2024

No progress, progress and avoiding the clouds

Here is the t-shirt quilt still not finished.
After work I had a doctor's appointment and ran an errand. After I hauled in the groceries and sat down for what seemed like a minute, I had to go water the neighbor's pots and my plants. I did finish up stitching the Octopus's Garden except for my trademark skull which I finished this morning. It is over one with one thread. Now I just need to get it framed!
I only walked about 12 - 13 minutes this morning since I didn't get to work early enough to walk longer. I didn't go over to the next huge parking lot to walk like I usually do since the humidity was 88% and the fog had settled there. I wasn't going to walk thru all that moisture! I had to just make laps around our parking lot.
My plans for the weekend are to finish that t-shirt quilt, go to a retirement party - no not mine unfortunately LOL!! - and tear into fixing a pair of pants for my nephew. I plan on making cookies to take to the party and somewhere in between Friday and Sunday I have to mow. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Cherie Moore said...

I love, love, love your octopus garden and I bet It looks super in person, especially since it’s over one thread!