Tuesday, September 3, 2024

5th finish for 2024

The baby quilt is done! I boxed it up and the only time I left the house this weekend was to take it to the grocery store post office. It turned out 46.5" x 55.5"; a bigger baby quilt for sure. I am happy with the way it turned out and I can't wait to hear what the parent's reaction to it will be.
I didn't get as much cleaning as I wanted to get done. I did mow the grass Monday since it was finally cooler. The rest of my time I spent on the t-shirt quilt. It is now 28% quilted. I need to get this to the fellow that wanted this made for one of his sons by October so I will be working on this every day. I outlined in yellow what I got quilted.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

The baby quilt is sure to be treasured by the recipient family. All of the themed prints and hand printing make is so special.

Vicki W said...

That baby quilt is going to be an heirloom for that family! You made great progress on the tshirt quilt.