Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Hand sewing has commenced!

I got one side stitched last evening. Of course I started on a short side!
I needed to check on my neighbor's plants to see if anything needed a drink. I had to drain out the water from some of her pots because they were sopping wet. I have been generous with the water!  LOL!!  Several of her pots do not have drainage holes. Look how pretty this pot is! The geraniums almost glow they are such a bright pink. The deer haven't touched them so I think I will get a few next year.
Here is the progress on Octopus's Garden. It looks like I am almost done, but there is a lot of stitching that goes in those blank spaces.

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I had some of those bright pink geraniums a couple years and went back to red this year. I would think the smell of the geraniums would keep the deer away from them.