Thursday, December 15, 2016


Did a load of laundry. Cooked some meat. Made and sewed the label on the baby quilt for my sister's friend.

Got the blocks made for the last row of the zig zag quilt.

I was having a hard time getting motivated to do stuff last evening. Walking and getting my steps in in this cold weather really zaps my energy. My sister took off work yesterday and she kept texting me on how much she was getting done so I tried to use that as inspiration to get at least a few things done.

This morning when I walked it was 10 degrees with a -4 wind chill. It has now started to snow and it is coming down pretty good. It is now up to 9 (hum? that is the wrong direction!) and the wind chill is now -9. I broke down and wore my heavy coat today for the first time this year. It is actually the Starter jacket I bought my son when he was in high school. He just had to have a Notre Dame Starter Jacket. I remember paying over one hundred dollars for it, so I made him get a big size so he wouldn't outgrow it. He did outgrown it several years after he was out of high school so now I wear it. I guess I have gotten my money's worth out of it!

1 comment:

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Nothing like the baby's hand me downs!! We are getting the tail end of the arctic front but is a much warmer version! Only 37 here tonight.

If it wasn't so cold I would send the loudly snoring man sleeping next to me to th trailer so I could sleep.........I keep hoping I can fall asleep, and he starts another round. Geez.