Monday, February 10, 2025

1st quilt finish for 2025

Yes, I finally finished the t-shirt quilt. It turned out 96" x 100". I handed it over to my neighbor on Sunday afternoon and he was very happy with it.
Next I will be quilting this baby quilt. I have a couple more that need quilted besides this one.
I also worked on cutting fabric for more of those curved top pouches. I am going to a cross-stitching retreat and I want to have them for little gifts.
Congratulations to the Eagles for winning the Super Bowl!


dianne said...


what a relief that must be - and it is huge!!! here's to you!!! i'll lift my cuppa sumpin sumpin tomorrow morning (cuz it's too late to drink anything tonight)...

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Yay! It's done!! Your neighbor should be elated with the quilt. So many hours....................
The baby quilts will a breeze to quilt after that big one.

Vicki W said...

That quilt is HUGE! I didn't realize it was so big. I'm sure the neighbor is thrilled to bits.