Monday, February 24, 2025

Second baby quilt progress, winter concert, tote bags

Saturday I headed over to my brother's house to join the rest of the band in a road trip to Cleveland. The band had a concert, outdoors, for a winter festival. The wind wasn't too bad and we had sunshine which helped a lot!
I had bought a pair of Under Armour ColdGear leggings to wear under my pants and they worked great!  My legs did not get cold at all!
We had to carry the equipment quite a way to the stage. I got home at 8:30 (we left at 1:30 pm). I was sore and tired. I did receive a cute hat out of the deal!
I did get the rest of those tote bags sewn together to take to Cleveland. I am glad I had them because we needed them. So that is the first 13 bags for 2025. We are going to need a lot more! LOL!!
Sunday I worked on quilting that second baby quilt. It is 80% quilted.
I did laundry and made soup too on Sunday. My neighbor called to tell me his cousin loved the Harley quilt. Then he came over with a pair of ski pants and jeans that need some fixing. The snaps don't stay snapped on his ski pants. He took the snaps out so I can do my thing and put in a buttonhole for a jean style button.
The seam at the back of his favorite old jeans is showing signs of stress so I will be reinforcing them so they don't blow out.
Today we got instruction of what to do if ICE shows up. Ugh!!!

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