Monday, February 3, 2025

T-shirt quilt update

It took me so much longer than I thought it would to get the quilting done on the t-shirt quilt. I ran a lot of errands Friday after work, Saturday and Sunday morning which cut into my quilting time. I did finally get it quilted.
I worked on the binding next. I got the strips cut and sewn together. By the time I was ready to press the binding in half, it was dark outside and I just could not see to press the binding. I will have to press it first thing when I get home from work while I have some natural light then maybe I can get started on sewing it on.


Cherie Moore said...

Black is hard to work with in artificial light. Here’s hoping you can get the binding ironed……..It’s a grey day here so here’s to good light for you.

dianne said...

you're on the downhill run with this one - yay!!!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Yay! The quilting is done! I hope you have enough daylight to get the binding pressed. It's nice having longer days.