Monday, January 13, 2025

Zippered pouches, soup, snow, and straightening up

It was a busy weekend! After getting back from the grocery stores and getting gas on Saturday, I got going on the zippered pouches. I also started washing the fabric I received from Hancock's of Paducah. It is now all washed and pressed. Some of these fabrics will go into the Yellowstone bunkhouse quilts. All of these fabrics were in the clearance category. Beautiful 1st quality stuff! I bought enough to get free shipping, so I ordered 16 yards that averaged $6.49 a yard. I actually got a bit more than 16. Hancock's was generous with their cuts and one piece I got almost a 1/2 yard extra because it was the end of a bolt. Woohoo!
If I had a specific piece I bought for the bunkhouse quilts, after I got it pressed I put it in the box for that specific quilt. Remember during the holidays I was cleaning up this mess to make room to organize the quilts I want to make? Quite a mess!
This is how it looked after getting the worst of the mess cleared out and starting to get the quilt project boxes set up.
This is what it looks like now. I wrote the name of the project on the box and attached pictures too. Much better use of the space!
I finished up the zippered pouches on Sunday. Here are most of them
I needed a bag to put them in so in about a half hour I had a nice big tote bag for the 24 zippered pouches. I am glad to have that job done!
Other goodies in the mail were three cones of black quilting thread. I thought I had plenty on hand, but I only had a partial cone. I use a lot of black making those Harley quilts.
Missouri Star Quilt Company was having a sale and I got this pattern.  I had enough frequent shopper points that I got it for free. I had bought the hardware a while ago to make several of these.  I was just going to try and make it watching their video, but now I have the printed version. I think I need to set up another project box! LOL!!
Before I did my grocery shopping I had to shovel snow. We got about 3" overnight Friday.
I thought the ornamental grass was pretty with the snow clinging to it.
Made a big pot of my chicken kale soup on Sunday.
Had football on while I cleaned up the studio on Sunday and did laundry. I had made quite a mess making the zippered pouches and since a lady from work was coming over I needed to clean up. She brought 7 pairs of pants/jeans to hem.
I had to get the owner's manual out for the car to try and figure out how to change the battery in the fob. When I was getting gas on Saturday and the car wouldn't start when I was done. The car did not recognize the fob. I don't know if the battery was dead or the fob was just too cold. I warmed up the fob and eventually it worked so the car turned on. Luckly I had the right size coin battery at home so now both fobs have new batteries. I guess that was enough to squeeze in a weekend!


Cherie Moore said...

I’m guessing having the project boxes on your shelves will ensure you get them made sooner rather than later! The shelves are looking well organized now. The selection of fabrics you bought is beautiful <>.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That's a good idea putting a photo with the fabric. That will keep you from stealing it out of the box for a different project.

Vicki W said...

That was a very productive weekend! Sometimes when the battery dies on a key fob you can place the fob next to the lock/start button and it will recognize it enough to open/start. Chris has the fob on his car. I still have a key!