Friday, January 24, 2025

More progress and TGIF!

I got another shirt quilted last evening and I am now at 49% done with the quilting on the t-shirt quilt! Woohoo!
This week seems like it was long, but yet it feels like it went by fast. The final section of pipe is thawed out. I am keeping the space heater in the bathroom because temps are still dipping in the low teens. The space heater has a thermostat on it and I have it set to 72 so once it reaches that temperature it turns off. The other one I have just runs and runs so the one with the thermostat I feel is much safer. This weekend is all about quilting on the t-shirt quilt. I do have a haircut appointment, and I want to get that fabric washed and pressed so it is ready to use. It is going to be cold, but there isn't any snow in the forecast which is good. Have a great weekend!


dianne said...

you're almost halfway - yay!!!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

We were down to -3 last night. I think that is the last cold front to pass through here. 40 on Tuesday, if their forecast is correct.
I hope you get in a good weekend of quilting.

Vicki W said...

Glad your pipes are OK and I hope it warms up this weekend. Happy quilting!